Sebastian Herz
I am one lucky person: My business became my passion! After years of “almost compulsive” urges to think about my own & others businesses how to grow sales continuously, I followed the calling and what I discovered to be my purpose: Helping companies small and big to (over)achieve their sales targets by applying thoughts, persistence and devotion.
Having achieved myself to sell my own brand’s products to MediaMarkt, Saturn, Conrad, Euronics, Edeka, Kaufland, Siemens and ABB and others’ offers to BASF, Shell, Lanxess, Bayer and many others more, it would be a waste to take this knowledge to grave one day without passing it on.
The product itself, no matter how good or semi-good, doesn’t decide about the success of your sales efforts. It is you, your personal dedication and the efforts you take, that will decide whether or not you land the deal.
By giving you trust in yourself, showing you the way how I have done it and being the sparring partner who keeps you accountable for your actions, I will make sure that you become better fast and soon be one of the top sales managers in your field of influence.
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Why Work With Me
15+ years of experience
The many times I get to hear that I look quite young, with 35 years of age I am in the fortunate situation to have given well over 2500 presentations throughout my life for the most different products ranging from Industrial Automation systems and products, through alcoholic shots at local festivities to blueberry harvesting and sorting machinery all the way to my own personal consumer brand products of anti-spy products for online and offline retail businesses.
I don’t want my learnings to be wasted and only taken with me to grave one day. I am proud of my learnings and discovered my passion to share this knowledge with other companies, helping them succeed and (over)achieve their sales teams targets.
15+ years of experience
2500+ sales presentations
I apply my methods myself

“The more I learn, the more I get excited.”
“Never, never, never give up.”
“If you are going through hell, keep going.”
Let’s Work Together
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